Buildings and Grounds Maintenance
We always need hardworking volunteers, including men, women, and teenagers, to help our fantastic group of volunteers who maintain our extensive property and buildings. Typical skills needed are painting, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, tiling, flooring, roofing, transportation, pressure spraying, and mechanical repairs. The grounds group currently maintains the church campus and rectory landscaping. This includes mowing, trimming hedges, edging, weeding, planting, and applying lawn care products. This group allows the parish to save tens of thousands of dollars a year by not contracting this to a lawn care business.
Ron Pruszynski,
Bereavement Hospitality Group
We need volunteers to assist at receptions following funerals. You can help by providing food or hosting during the reception either in Holy Family Hall or the Martha Mary Social Hall.
Ginny Lovell,
Catholic Social Services
We need volunteers to assist us with helping the poor in our area and beyond. Volunteers are needed to assist with cooking for the “Food for the Soul” Soup Kitchen that feeds almost 300 people and to help with a whole host of other social outreach programs of the parish during the year.
Pat Smith-Auth,
Council of Catholic Women (CCW)
We invite all women of the parish to be active members of the CCW. This women’s group meets the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:45 p.m. with the Holy Rosary followed by the business meeting. CCW has various committees, supports many of the social outreach ministries of the parish, and staffs the Religious Store in the Main Church.
Rosemary Brown, President,
Courage is a group of Catholics who experience same-sex attractions and who are committed to helping one another live chaste lives marked by prayer, fellowship, and mutual support. Our members are guided by caring priest chaplains who offer reconciliation and direction for the spiritual life. Together they pursue the Five Goals of Courage, which guide our meetings and become our rule of life.
The confidential meetings take place in our diocese. This support ministry is sponsored by our diocese. Contact: Email or call 404 931 1836 For more information about Courage International please go to
Grief Support
Set in the context of the faith community Seasons of Hope Grief Support Group is a prayerful, reverent, and Christ-centered approach to assist persons through the pain of mourning. Come and be comforted. The group meets for six weeks. Anyone who is mourning the loss of a loved one is encouraged to attend and invited to bring a guest. Come and be comforted. Click here to request additional information or to sign up.
Ana Parodi-Gonzalez,
Homeschool Ministry
St. Anne Catholic Church is home to many families who homeschool their children, from preschoolers all the way through high school seniors. If you are one of these families, or if you are discerning homeschool options, we hope you will find a network of support and community here!
Meal Train Ministry
Saint Anne's Meal Train Ministry supports parishioners and community members who are going through family emergencies, welcoming new babies, or dealing with any stressful circumstances where a few meals might help ease their burdens. To sign up to help or request assistance for a someone, please contact:
Michelle Hilleary,
Natural Family Planning
Natural Family Planning consists of scientifically based and morally acceptable methods to regulate pregnancies. The Catholic Church promotes NFP because it is the only method that respects the indivisible bond of love and life inscribed by God. Betsy DeBry is a certified teacher of the Sympto-Thermal Method. Classes are taught upon request.
Betsy Debry,
Newcomers Welcome Committee
We need volunteers to assist in welcoming new members to the parish. We host a monthly doughnut Sunday as a part of this ministry. Adults and teens are invited to volunteer.
Stephanie Kisgen,
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a Saint Anne men’s group. This national organization provides many benefits to its members and welcomes new members. Our council meets on the third Monday of each month at 6:45 p.m. Please join anew or renew your membership.
Grand Knight, Jamey Hermanns,
Parish Life Ministry
The goal of Parish Life is to coordinate events that bring our community together for fellowship and to celebrate our Catholic faith. We need volunteers for parish activities, including the monthly parish potluck, celebrations throughout the liturgical year, parties, receptions, and other events. Please consider helping with planning, organizing, providing food, or staffing these events. Have teenagers earning service hours? Get the whole family involved!
Christine Bill,
Pro-Life Ministry
This ministry strives to promote the culture of life, from conception through natural death, in our parish community and the broader Richmond Hill and Savannah areas. We are always in need of volunteers to help this ministry reach out in love with the Church’s pro-life teachings. Click here for more information on our parish pro-life ministry.
Claire Wong,
Sacred Time: A Sanctuary for Mothers
We understand the demands of parenting and the importance of finding moments of solace and spiritual growth amidst the responsibilities of raising children. The “Sacred Time” ministry offers mothers a precious opportunity to entrust their children to a safe and caring environment, allowing them to devoutly engage in group prayer and study with other moms or personal reflection.
Sarah Lieberman,